How does Oxevision work?

Oxevision is a tool that helps staff care for patients more safely

Oxevision has been developed in collaboration with patients, carers, doctors and nurses.

The system has been designed specifically for mental health care and includes a regulated medical device which operates with an infrared-sensitive camera.

It helps staff visually confirm a patient is safe - and measure their pulse and breathing rate - without disturbing their sleep.

Oxevision, guidelines for its use, and patient information resources about the system were co-produced with patients, experts by experience, carers and clinicians.

Overview of Oxevision

Oxevision unit: Housing unit containing the infrared-sensitive camera in a patient's room

Nursing station screen: Oxevision home screen showing room information such as alerts
Nurses tablet: Handheld tablet showing room information such as alerts and enabling clinical staff to take observations

Local server:
Secure, local computer storage where Oxevision data is stored
Oxevision includes a suite of modules designed for inpatient mental health:

Contact-free vital signs1

Cleared as a Class IIa medical device
With Vital Signs staff can:
  • Measure a patient’s pulse and breathing rate completely contact-free
  • View a short 15-second clear image into the room to verify patient safety at night without disturbing them
  • View vital signs data over time with the Vital Signs Trends chart.
capture vital signsVital signs trends


Oxevision provides information and notifications to clinical staff about a patient’s location in their room.
Alerts overview explained:
Room tiles show staff where a person is in their room and how long they have been there.
An orange or a red tile is a notification.
It shows and tells staff that a person may need extra assistance.
'Last vital signs recorded:'
shows staff the last time a person's breathing and pulse rate was taken.
Red tile notifications also appear at the side of the screen. A member of staff is required to reset these notifications.

Activity reports1

Staff can gain additional insights with activity reports. These reports enable staff to review night-time and day-time activity.
activity report

Sleep monitoring1

Cleared as a Class IIa medical device
Oxevision uses pulse and breathing rate measurements and activity data to assess patients’ sleep/wake patterns, with a level of accuracy comparable to the gold-standard (polysomnography). Staff can view automated, objective sleep reports for patients support clinical decision-making.
Read our sleep flyer to find out more.
sleep report


OxeObs can be deployed independently or as an additional module to Oxevision. OxeObs helps mental health providers and their staff to:
  • Improve safety with accurate observations that are carried out on time
  • Support therapeutic and personalised care
  • Promote compliance with management reporting.
When added as an additional module to Oxevision, staff can also take a patient's contact-free vital signs measurements. Observation records, including these measurements, are then automatically uploaded to a patient’s Electronic Patient Record (EPR).
Visit the Observations page to find out more.
Ward staff can only see a clear, 15-second video into the room when taking vital signs spot check measurements with the medical device.
National guidance on consent
The National Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Nursing Directors Forum created guidance in 2022 on the use of vision-based patient monitoring technology in mental health care. Oxehealth recommends providers follow the informed consent regimes laid out in the national guidance, see here.
Co-produced patient resources
A series of resources (e.g. patient leaflets and posters) were created by patients, carers and clinicians in association with the National Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Nursing Directors Forum for hospitals to provide to patients where vision-based patient monitoring systems are used to support care, see here.
Enhanced data for incident review
Providers choose whether or not to retain clear video data for up to 24 hours to assist in serious incident reviews. This encrypted data is held securely on the providers’ premises and only accessed by authorised senior staff.
No wearables
No need for a wearable device.
No sound
There is no microphone. Oxevision cannot pick up any sound.
Use of data
Oxehealth operates as a ‘data processor’ under strict data protection agreements with providers (‘data controllers’) that use Oxevision. We support partners to conduct data protection impact assessments, to develop protocols that protect the privacy and dignity of patients, and to govern how personal data from the system is processed in compliance with data protection regulations. Click here for further information.
A supportive tool
Oxevision is an addition to existing clinical practice. It does not replace staff – it supports them in their roles so that they can deliver better, safer care to patients. 
Patient-centred innovation
We have involved patients since the earliest stages of product development – when we collaborated with an NHS trust to run two studies involving patient volunteers. Service user groups are consulted during every provider deployment. To date, we have gathered feedback from 373 patients – across 8 providers – on their experience of the system, via questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. We also engage with an ‘expert by experience’ advisory group that has, for example, helped us improve the staff training we deliver on how to talk to patients about Oxevision. 

See more details about the use of vision-based patient monitoring in the National Mental Health and Learning Disability Nurse Director Forum’s national guidance

The National Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Nursing Directors Forum created guidance in 2022 on the use of vision-based patient monitoring technology in mental health care. Oxehealth recommends providers to follow the informed consent.
Learn more

To continually improve care, reach out to schedule a brief demonstration

1 The Oxevision housing unit contains an infrared-sensitive camera that relays information to designated fixed screens, tablets and/or mobile devices on a ward/unit.  It is a fixed-installed solution within hospitals, general care, and secured environments where a framework exists that mandates periodic checks by a trained professional to ensure subject safety. The Vital Signs software is registered as a class IIa medical device in the UK & Europe. It is intended for non-invasive spot measurements of pulse rate (50 to 130 ± 3 beats per minute) and estimated breathing rate (8 to 39 ± 2 breaths per minute). It does not provide alerting or alarms for vital signs. The Vital Signs Trends chart is a feature within the Vital Signs software that shows a summary of average vital signs to inform decisions to take further vital signs spot check measurements or check on patients and cannot be used to measure or monitor pulse rate or breathing rate. The Activity Tracker software (including activity detection, fall risk, location risk, inactivity warning, flexi room, refresh room, activity report and recent incident review) are Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) products. They are not medical devices. Oxevision Observations is an Electronic Medical/Health Record product that is designed to assist reporting activities and is not part of any medical device. See Instructions for Use for intended use, contraindications, warnings, cautions, usage directions and maintenance.
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