Editorial note:
These articles may pre-date our recent FDA clearance, Some references may not accurately reflect this.
Editorial note:
This article may refer to our solution as the "Digital Care Assistant", which we recently renamed to "Oxevision".

A true start-up can adapt to anything | Oxehealth

Following our investment from IP Group Simon Graindorge, Experienced Life Science Investor, shares why Oxehealth caught his eye. In this fourth instalment – of a five part blog series – Simon discusses our attributes and what other start-ups need to be successful.
Simon has already discussed the beating heart of a start-up, the team and the importance of predicting the market. Following on from this the next key step is...

Vital sign 4. Body temperature Strategy
Body temperature for a healthy human is tightly bounded and is typically between 36.1 and 37.2°C. To maintain such a temperature the body is able to operate a wide range of controls, e.g. diverting blood, perspiration, burning energy stores etc. A successful start-up needs to similarly be tightly controlled with a clear strategy and able to respond to changes in the environment.
This is particularly relevant for Oxehealth. The applications for the Oxecam are endless. But which are the best and how do you access them in a way that will scale? Being able to assess and scale opportunities and then work with partners to access them on an international basis is vital here.

Missed the first three instalments? Don't worry, read Simon's tips on how to become a successful start-up here:
Vital sign 1. Heart rate Brilliant science
Vital sign 2. Blood pressure A great team
Vital sign 3. Respiratory rate Markets and opportunity
And join Simon next week as he'll be discussing why saturation is the fifth and final thing all start-ups need to be successful.
If you have any questions about the science behind Oxecam? contact the team here.

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