Editorial note:
These articles may pre-date our recent FDA clearance, Some references may not accurately reflect this.
Editorial note:
This article may refer to our solution as the "Digital Care Assistant", which we recently renamed to "Oxevision".

Celebrating Dementia Awareness Week - Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust style

CWPT and Oxehealth announced a research partnership in November 2017 to explore how Oxehealth's solutions could help staff as they care for the dementia patients in their charge.
Oxehealth are immensely proud to be supporting the work of the team at the Manor Hospital described in their videos:
What do you want people to take away from this project? (30 seconds)
Hasthe project had a positive impact on patient care? (20 seconds)

WHAT'S the full story? (5 minutes)
Congratulations on the great results to date, team CWPT!
If you'd like to read more Further details of the research partnership, which is based around a Research Ethics Committee approved study, can be foundhere, in the press release announcing the CWPT-Oxehealth partnership.

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