Editorial note:
These articles may pre-date our recent FDA clearance, Some references may not accurately reflect this.
Editorial note:
This article may refer to our solution as the "Digital Care Assistant", which we recently renamed to "Oxevision".

Oxehealth Wins HTN's 2020 Excellence in Remote Monitoring Award

We are thrilled to announce that Oxehealth won HTN's "Excellence in remote monitoring" Award!

The HTN Now Awards aim to share and celebrate innovations, teams and health tech suppliers that have made a difference through the year. The awards provide a platform to share these innovations and solutions to help shape future services and systems across health and care. Oxehealth ended up being finalists in two award categories, Excellene in remote monitoring and

In the neighbouring region of the West Midlands, the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust has deployed Oxevision, a management platform from Oxehealth, on two acute wards and a psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU). This illustrates how remote monitoring can also be used within traditional hospital settings, not just in the home or community.

The system is a ‘contact-free vision-based patient and management platform’ that consists of a ‘secure optical sensor’ which is installed in patient rooms. As well as providing clinicians with cardio-respiratory vitals, the technology’s algorithms can ‘see’ movement in a similar way to the human eye, meaning it can sound alerts or record movement activity.

At PICU, the goals were to improve safety and quality of care for patients, with staff noting that having the option to monitor patients remotely assists with judgement calls about entering a room with an aggressive or unpredictable patient and escalating a situation unnecessarily.

On a male acute ward, the deputy ward manager commented, “We had a patient that was violent and aggressive. He was a danger to himself and others and we couldn’t calm him down after an initial intervention. We had to administer rapid tranquilisation. He refused to have his physical observations taken and continued to be aggressive.

“We used the system to measure his breathing rate and pulse rate remotely and monitor his behaviour to make sure he wasn’t a threat to himself, while avoiding further agitation. Having the system has been fantastic because we can make sure we are caring for the patient’s physical health and keeping the risk of harm low.
“When people are in seclusion, we can’t always get into the room to do physical health checks. The system gives us the ability to check that if they’re sleeping, their breathing and pulse rate is ok.”

Around 12 months into application, PICU recorded a 26% reduction in assaults in bedrooms and a 22% drop in self-harm in bedrooms. While the acute wards reported that, out of seven observed patients, 100% felt safer, 100% were sleeping better, and 86% had a greater sense of privacy.

See the full list of winners here.

About Oxehealth

Oxehealth is a global leader in vision-based patient monitoring and management. We help clinicians to deliver safer, higher quality and more efficient care.

Our Oxevision platform, including a contact-free optical sensor, delivers clinical insights that enable staff to plan patient care and to intervene proactively to help patients.

Our Oxehealth Service supports customers to deliver a step-change and then year on year continuous improvement in safety, quality, and efficiency.

The Oxehealth Service is relied on by one in three English mental health trusts as well as acute hospitals, care homes, skilled nursing facilities, prisons & police forces across Europe.

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