Editorial note:
These articles may pre-date our recent FDA clearance, Some references may not accurately reflect this.
Editorial note:
This article may refer to our solution as the "Digital Care Assistant", which we recently renamed to "Oxevision".

#ThankYou - CWPT's Delivery

Earlier this week we announced that together with our NHS Partners, the Oxehealth service has helped clinicians deliver over 1,000,000 hours of care.

Since then, we took a trip all the way to Coventry to especially hand-deliver the first, second and third gift baskets full of Oxehealth goodies, as you can see below...

On Thursday, we successfully made 3 deliveries to our partners at Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust, delivering to 3 of their Caludon wards. Staff lit up with glee as they received the packages, including their very own OxeTeddy, with open arms!

Below is a gallery of the photos from that day, and be sure to follow the #ThankYou tag on social media to stay up to date with the celebrations and see what partner is next.

#ThankYou, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust!
Read the announcement blog post

A peek at what\'s inside the gift baskets, complete with a bow

Staff on the first ward have fun with our selfie frame

A nurse can never have too many pens!

Staff on the second ward also enjoy the photo opportunity

On our way to the third and final ward...

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